This documentation is still very early and not complete nor well written.

Gouach Battery Framework

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Gouach is a battery design framework enabling fast design and customisation of eco-designed & connected lithium-ion batteries.
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What are eco-designed batteries ?

Batteries have traditionally been designed in ways that make servicing labor intensive, difficult, and potentially dangerous.
Gouach has invented an alternative method for the use of cylindrical cells, removing the needs for:
  • welding of the cells
  • drastic limitation of wires running through the pack
  • glueing of any kind
This opens the way to a new way to operate batteries, through the ability to retrieve cells at the end of the battery life, for second-life applications, or to ease recycling of the cells.

What are connected batteries ?

Current batteries are seen as commodities and designed as black boxes from which it is sometimes impossible to retrieve any useful data. Besides the need to gather data on cell usage to assess their second life value, being able to monitor batteries is paramount when dealing with a lot of batteries. Having all batteries pushing secured data through wifi, leads to inventory management solutions, safety alerts, over the air updates and much more.

Why Gouach ?

Because access to energy is what shapes our civilisation.
Batteries are the current transformative source of energy as it enables to store electricity which is the most used energy across our industry while not emitting CO2 during usage.
But batteries are:
  • dangerous
  • knowledge and ressources are mainly based in Asia
  • actors of the value chain are disconnected making the battery usage suboptimal
Our mission is to empower people and the industry on batteries so that a better, more circular economy of batteries can arise.

What can Gouach do for you ?

Our main contribution to this industry are:
  • novel way to assemble/disassemble batteries
  • connected and encrypted Battery management System (BMS)
  • battery fleet monitoring (via API)
If you are a company building a product that requires a battery, Gouach can help you:
  • design your own battery, with very little initial knowledge
  • connect a fleet of batteries to our backend to get a real time vision on your fleet
  • setup workflows and alerts to optimise battery operations
If you are a company building batteries for others you can learn how this technology:
  • help you divide assembly time by 3
  • help you make working & production ready prototypes for your customer in one week
  • let the customer access their battery data
  • cut the CO2 emissions by up to 70% over the lifetime of your battery
Finally, if you are an individual you can order an e-bike battery through our crowdfunding and help us by contributing to the project.

Getting started

This documentation should guide you if you want to:
  • understand what makes Gouach different from traditional batteries
  • get an existing Gouach batteries and use them
  • connect these batteries to our backend in order to
    • get realtime data monitoring
    • get alerts
    • locate and count batteries
  • design a custom battery either
    • by changing the shape and voltage capacity of the pack
    • by modifying the BMS to suit your needs in terms of power

Who is using Gouach ?

  • Pony (Shared E-bike service in 12 cities)
  • Kahe (battery powered nautical motors)

Who is behind Gouach ?

Gouach is a trademark of Capacité, a french startup based in Bordeaux.
♻️Eco-designed batteries🔥Fireproof casing🌐Connected batteries📕Knowledge base

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