This documentation is still very early and not complete nor well written.
#1. Only power supply ON
The battery charges. Nothing fancy.

#2. Current of Power supply > Load
ChargeState is entered.
Charge current is reduced from 2A to 1A.

#3. Current of Power supply > Load. Reverse order
Charge state is entered.
Charge current is 1A.

#4. Current of Power supply < Load
Charge state is entered. Charge state is interrupted. “Charger unplugged”.

#5. Current of Power supply < Load. Reverse order
Charge state is never entered.

#6. Slowly increasing load current
Charge state is entered.
Charge state enters FinalBalance and stay there until battery is fully balanced.
Charge state exit with end of charge.

#7. Quickly increasing load current
Charge state is entered.
Charge state is interrupted. “Charger unplugged”.

#8. On a bike
Not done yet