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The disassembly of the bafang is simple, you just need to follow the pictures steps. first you need to open the plastic casing by removing the screws. then you need to remove the bms and all the cables on the battery.
After removing the bms and the casing you can separate 4 block of the battery by removing the nickel strip that rely each block.
then you will need to remove the nickel stip spotwelded to the cells. BE CAREFUL during the remove of the nickel strip because the spotweld is hard to remove, it’s a 6point spotweld, and there is no ring protection on the positive side of the cell.
if you see any little spark when you separate the nickel strip with the cells, the cell cannot be use anymore.
a solution would be to use a pcb to put on the top of the cells during the separation of the nickel stip to avoid any sparks and damage to the cells.
the cells we have here are cells samsung ICR18650-26H for 2de life.
Here you can find some pictures of the disassembly steeps for this battery.
Case oppening
BMS removing
Battery removing/ Separate the pack
Cells cleaning/ Cells type
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