- JXC (J-Xiong):
- Catalog:
- Distributor of TWSL solutions
- They sell IR testers and capacity testers
- Seems well specialized
Contact Information for Shenzhen Jxc Mechanical & Equipment Co., Ltd.
View contact details for Shenzhen Jxc Mechanical & Equipment Co., Ltd. including address, contact person, telephone and fax number.

- Manufacturer (?) / Distributor of TOB machines
- They sell IR testers and capacity testers
Buy Cylinder Battery Cell Forming And Grading Machine For Lithium Ion Battery Testing,Cylinder Battery Cell Forming And Grading Machine For Lithium Ion Battery Testing Suppliers
TOB-512-2L The device is mainly composed of a communication interface and a battery detection cabinet. The battery testing cabinet is composed of battery clamp and a plate body to placing fixture, a constant current constant voltage source, a registration control circuit, a sampling circuit, a single chip microcomputer and a control panel.