This documentation is still very early and not complete nor well written.

Factory considerations

AC supply

Most multi-channel cell testers, and other big machinery operates on 3-phase 380V AC supply
5V3A with regen is 13kW ⇒ At least 18kVA

Facility temperature

For IR measurement consistency, the ambient temprature should be kept in a 5~10°C range
Too high (> 25 °C) temperatures should be avoided as they can degrade shelf battery life
Mid-long-term storage should be done in as low a temperature as possible to reduce cell calendar aging
A 512-channel tester, with 10W per channel (charging or discharging at 1C) generates about 5kW heat continuously.
A regen function would cut that by

Facility noise

The 512-ch test equipment is loud, it produces by itself ~85 dB
IR testing machinery (motors, air) can be loud
Compressed-air supply can be loud too