JXC → Jenny is responsive. They have IR testing, capacity testing, cell cleaning
TOB → Not very responsive on WeChat
Metric for supplier qualification
Quality and service as priority
Need more information about specifications and brands used in key parts of parts and brands
We need to know what are the key parts that will suffer wear and tear and the repair and accessibility to the spare parts, lead time and pricing
Need user manual and clear video of machines in use for us to understand the workflow. We need a close up video of the feeding machine of the IR tester
We need to know the differences between Hioki and HK tester
We need to retrieve as much data as possible and they must be in a usable format. For example, what is the output of the data of the IR tester?
We will need flexibility as we set up our line, can we connect to their PLC and can we reprogram the PLC? What brand PLC do they use?
Take video of the feeding machine
Boxes of loading machine
magnetic tool
Send videos and spec for Peter to compare
Ask JXC for quotes:
IR testing TWSL-1300
Capacity testing machine TWSL-CT512 5A
Cell cleaning machine
Ask JXC what is the feeding system on the TWSL-1300
Ask for plastic trays
Ask for magnetic tool
Ask JXC for 45° orientation on capacity testing machine
Ask TMAX for cell cleaning machine
Ask TOB for IR sorting, capacity testing, cell cleaning machines
Do the IR testers have program memory?
Output data format on the IR tester
Things to ask about the machines
Video of the 3 machines in action
Take a video of the all the workflows
LEDs sorting on the capacity tester
Software on capacity tester. See the settings
Sample of CSV files (capacity and IR tester, cells in bin)
Programmability of IR test
Order cleaning machine first to start disassembling batteries